Axia Office Updated Coronavirus Protocols

- Medical authorities advise the best way to protect yourself & others is good hygiene, including:
- covering your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or a tissue
- disposing of tissues properly
- washing your hands often with soap and water (after using the toilet, before & after eating)
- using alcohol-based hand sanitisers
- keeping surfaces clean and disinfected
- Please wash your hands with soap and hot water each time you return to the office.
- All staff are to resist shaking hands and to maintain social distancing guidelines where possible.
- Service technicians must not come into close contact with each other to avoid the risk of multiple technicians needing to self-isolate.
- Spare parts will be left for collection in the warehouse. Service technicians must not enter any other part of the premises. Use phone and email to communicate with other staff members.
- Please put on the supplied disposable gloves before entering clients’ premises and remove them upon leaving.
- Before working on a machine, sanitise the machine with the provided alcohol-based product. If required to work on a customer’s PC, sanitise the keyboard and mouse.
- We are attempting to source surgical masks for technicians to wear to satisfy clients protocols, e.g. Nursing Homes.
- The service reception desk must be wiped down each morning and after each courier drop off/collection with the provided alcohol-based product.
- Wash hands with soap and hot water each time you return to the office.
- Work from home whenever possible.
- Avoid visiting clients. Email quotations and orders whenever possible.
- Try to get E signatures on contracts
- If visiting clients, avoid shaking hands.
- Use hand sanitiser after meetings; wash hands with soap and hot water each time you return to the office.
- Symptoms of Coronavirus include, but are not limited to: increased temperature, sore throat, coughing, runny nose and shortness of breath.
- If you experience symptoms, it is important you stay away from the office and seek medical advice if appropriate.
- If you are tested and your doctor says you are well enough to go home while you wait for your test results, you must self-isolate at home. This time off will qualify for sick leave.
- If you have been in contact with a person who displays symptoms of, or is subsequently diagnosed with, Coronavirus, you must self-isolate for 14 days. This period of self-isolation will qualify for sick leave, even though at law it does not qualify.
11 July 2021
Hi All,
It seems likely Covid cases will increase making it harder to maintain normal business practices over the coming weeks.
Let's be patient & listen to the authorities & stay at home unless it is necessary. Over the next week or until further notice, only 1 technician is permitted in the office at a time. That's either John or Mark, depending on the roster. Other technicians will pick up parts required form designated bins in the warehouse next door.
The sales team must work from home, except for Jeff on Mondays and Fridays. If it's necessary for a salesman to come into the office, please do so after business hours.
All office staff must remain in your dedicated area. If you need to interact with other office staff, please do so whilst maintaining a safe distance. Anyone in the office will need to continue wearing masks and adhere to prior office protocols (frequent hand washing, using sanitiser, etc).
Heike will send out a roster tomorrow so everyone is aware of who is working and when, so they can direct the queries or enquiries to the correct person.
We need to improve our communication during this period; for instance, it is important technicians accurately detail work done on jobs, as you may not be the person to complete the job.
Sales guys, if you have a delivery or service issue, please send an email to both John & Mark; for any accounts please email both Heike & Sharon.
Lastly, if clients reach out for help in relation to their contracts or agreements, please assure them we will do what we can & ask them to email me directly.
If you have questions or need to speak with me privately, please give me a call.
Cheers and stay safe everyone.
28 July 2021
Hi all,
I'm sure you are all aware that lock down has been extended for another 4 weeks.
Unfortunately, Rob & Leon live in restricted LGA's and cannot come to work at all.
Over the next few weeks both John & Mark are on deck full time. Heike on her days on will be working from the office & Sharon will be working from home. I will be in the office the entire time.
Communication is the key when sharing information. Please address the email to the person responsible for carrying out the task & cc any relevant people in on the email.
Stay safe everyone and feel free to contact me if there are things you would like to discuss, Cheers
20 August 2021
Hi all,
Obviously, the news we got today wasn't what any of us wanted to hear. I do believe October will be open to the people that have chosen to be vaccinated. Axia will continue to service our clients across the Sydney region & help clients that ask for support.
We will be working in the same way over the next month as we have done over the last 6 - 7 weeks.
Good luck and stay healthy & safe, Cheers